Entries from 2020-01-01 to 1 month

The DeFlame Diet to Stop your Joints, Muscles, and Bones from Rotting

Chronic inflammation is a popular topic today, but do people really understand what it is? The answer is... NO.Chronic inflammation is a low-grade, non-healing state that over time leads to tissue and organ degeneration. In common language…

The Game Changers went FULL Tropic Thunder (Part 1) - James Wilks demonstrated that meat is fine

The key article that James Wilks cited to allegedly show the dangers of meat-eating, instead demonstrated that meat-eating is fine. This is one of the reasons why The Game Changers went Full Tropic Thunder and should be viewed as just anot…

The Game Changers’ Brutal Lies | Health Promotion

More than likely you have heard about, or watched, a propaganda movie called The Game Changers. Many people have asked me about it and wanted my take on it. I reluctantly watched it because I figured it was just another propaganda hit piec…

Breast Health Book | Pro-Inflammatory Diets and Supplements

Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in women. It is estimated that 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime. Unfortunately, most women actually pursue breast cancer expression without knowing it. The DeFl…

How your diet causes breast cancer | Pro-Inflammatory Diet

Most any woman with concerns about breast cancer has heard of the BReast CAncer gene, refered to as BRCA. Important to know is that only about 5% of all breast cancers is thought to be caused by a BRCA gene mutation. What about the other 9…