Entries from 2018-01-01 to 1 year

Drs Rosa And Seaman Write A Chapter In Jack Canfield’s New Book

A success plan for pain-free living: an antidote for the opioid crisis As most people know, there is an opioid crisis in America. Not well known is that opioids have been one of the most common prescribed medications in America for several…

The Superfood Myth

The term “superfood” has been used now for several years and is accepted by many people as factual — meaning that certain foods have super healthy benefits and without them, your body will suffer. This is far from an accurate characterizat…

The ALL Meat Diet

In a certain sector of society that is interested in diet, the “all meat” or “carnivore” diet has emerged as a fad diet that is both embraced and criticized. Not surprisingly, those that embrace and criticize the all meat diet, are missing…

Weight Loss Secrets You Need To Know

How You Can Weight Loss Fast Dieting is only one part of the weight management picture. Most important is learning about the obesogenic environment in which we all live, which promotes weight gain and obesity, and also learning how to cont…

DeFlame Diet Guidelines

The DeFlame Diet is actually a concept…it is not a specific rigid diet, and this is not a trivial semantic issue. Additionally, by embracing The DeFlame Diet concept, it can help you to better deal with the dietary challenges that we all f…

Things You Need to Know about the All Meat Diet

People look at diet from the perspective of embracing certain foods that they really do not properly embrace. Confusion abounds regarding the ALL meat diet. In a certain sector of society that is interested in diet, the “all meat” or “carn…

The ALL Meat Diet | Anti-Inflammatory Foods and Diets

The “all meat” or “carnivore” diet has emerged as a fad diet that is both embraced and criticized. Not surprisingly, those that embrace and criticize the all meat diet, are missing a couple of key points that need to be understood. Firstly…

Impulse Control: For Overeating And Other Vices

Overeating is the primary impulse control issue from which people suffer. A huge 70% or more of the adult US population is either overweight or obese. This video briefly outlines how our brain is wired to drive us to seek pleasure, such as…

Weight Loss Secrets You Need To Know

Dieting is only one part of the weight management picture. Most important is learning about the obesogenic environment in which we all live, which promotes weight gain and obesity, and also learning how to control our brain, body physiolog…

Osteoarthritis is "heart disease" of our joints

At first glance, the title of this blog may seem like a preposterous notion; however, it is a fact. Years ago, osteoarthritis (OA) was misperceived to be a wear-and-tear condition of joints, a myth that is still perpetuated today…however, …

Can Fish Oil Cause Inflammation?

I recently wrote an article for magazine, which discussed chronic inflammation in relation to autism. Part of the pro-inflammatory state involves an excess of omega-6 fatty acids. So, part of the DeFlaming approach involved taking some ome…

The Superfood Myth

The term “superfood” has been used now for several years and is accepted by many people as factual – meaning that certain foods have super healthy benefits and without them, your body will suffer. This is far from an accurate characterizat…

Cardiovascular Health Promotion - Nutritional Supplements

There are many cardiovascular conditions from which people suffer, most of which are caused by chronic inflammation, including atherosclerotic-induced heart attacks, peripheral artery disease, erectile dysfunction, and hypertension. Back p…

Prostate Health Promotion - Nutritional Supplements

There are three main conditions that compromise the prostate gland: prostatitis, benign prostatic hypertrophy, and cancer. In particular, prostate hypertrophy and cancer are known to be promoted by ongoing chronic inflammation, long before…

Joint Health Promotion-Nutritional Supplements

Joint pain is one of the more universal problems that afflict both men and women and the majority suffer at one point or another. The primary joint health problem is pain and pain is caused by inflammation. Eating “inflammatory” “joint pai…

Digestive Health Promotion - Nutritional Supplements

Digestive symptoms are extremely common in women and men. Women tend to suffer with irritable bowel symptoms, such as constipation and diarrhea, while men tend to suffer with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Fill up the gut with pro…

Bone Health Promotion- Nutritional Supplements

Bone health is a misunderstood topic. When people think about bone health, they focus extensively on calcium and little on anything else. This is a mistake. Bone should be viewed as a multifunctional organ, and like other organs and system…

The Deflame Diet: DeFlame your diet, body, and mind

Free shipping with Amazon Prime The DeFlame Diet is about eating anti-inflammatory foods and diets to turn off the chronic disease-promoting "flame" created by pro-inflammatory foods. This is the first nutrition book for the general public…