Entries from 2020-01-01 to 1 year

Weight Loss Secrets You Need To Know | Anti Inflammatory Diet Books

Dieting is only one part of the weight management picture. Most important is learning about the obesogenic environment in which we all live, which promotes weight gain and obesity, and also learning how to control our brain, body physiolog…

Obese people are the primary vector and superspreaders of COVID and other viral infections

People need to understand the obesity-superspreader issue for the current COVID crisis and for the next one to come. The obese United States and other obese nations are in trouble at this point and poorly prepared for future viral events. …

Obese 12-Year Old Dies From COVID-19 | anti inflammatory nutritional supplements

In this context, most parents will do virtually anything to protect their children and make their lives better. Such emotional messaging of the authoritarian COVID talking points rapidly penetrated the minds of the public and led to relate…

Why You Should Assure An Adequate Iodine Intake | nutritional supplements florida

Iodine is most known for its relationship to the production of thyroid hormones. Not well known is that iodine also functions as a key antioxidant that protects cell membrane fatty acids from free radical attack. This is important for all …

How The Coronavirus Infects Human Cells | anti inflammatory nutritional supplements

I have noticed that this enzyme is referred to by many as the ACE2 receptor. You should understand that ACE2 is not a receptor, it is an enzyme. The primary function of ACE2 is to convert a pro-inflammatory substance called angiotensin II …

Drs Rosa And Seaman Write A Chapter In Jack Canfield’s New Book | nutritional supplements florida

A success plan for pain-free living: an antidote for the opioid crisis As most people know, there is an opioid crisis in America. Not well known is that opioids have been one of the most common prescribed medications in America for several…

Calories Matter – If You Want To Avoid Obesity | health promotion consultants florida

In recent years, many people have been convinced that counting calories is not necessary if you want to lose weight and then manage your weight properly. I do not understand this view; it is, in fact, quite foolish. Calories in food come f…

Weight Loss Secrets You Need To Know | Weight Loss Secrets Book | DeFlame Enterprise

The reason why Tom’s weight management story is so impressive is because almost no one who loses that amount of weight is able to keep it off for 10 years or longer. In contrast to this, Tom is in his 12th year of sustained weight manageme…

How eating sugar feeds COVID-19 | health promotion consultants florida

This video outlines how hyperglycemia: 1. increases coronavirus entry into lung cells 2. inhibits immune cells from clearing viruses 3. causes immune cells to release an excess of inflammatory chemicals Here is a link to my author page at …

Zinc Does Not Kill Viruses, But It Helps To Prevent Viral Infections | Inflammation Reduction

Men usually find out about the importance of zinc for prostate health when they have prostatic hypertrophy. In this scenario, men start to supplement with zinc after the problem has already developed, which is no different than supplementi…

The DeFlame Diet for Immune Health | DeFlame Enterprise | DeFlaming Supplements

Immune health has become especially popular in 2020 due to the emergence of SARS-CoV-2, which is the name of the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. The immune system has both pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory functions that are execute…

Mask-debaters and the problems they cause | healthcare supplements ormond beach florida

The DeFlame Diet for Immune Health: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08FP9Z565?... This video briefly highlights why COVID-19 is actually an obesity crisis. If we take into consideration the sickly population, for which care, concern, and protec…

Mask-debaters and the problems they cause | healthcare supplements ormond beach florida

The DeFlame Diet for Immune Health: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08FP9Z565?... This video briefly highlights why COVID-19 is actually an obesity crisis. If we take into consideration the sickly population, for which care, concern, and protec…

Pro-Enz - Nutritional Supplements | health promotion consultants florida

Pro-Enz is an anti-inflammatory botanical supplement that contains ginger, turmeric, boswellia, rosemary, lemon bioflavonoids, and bromelain. The typical suggested amount is two to four tablets daily. Anti-inflammatory botanical/spice rese…

How The Coronavirus Infects Human Cells | Nutritional Supplements

I have noticed that this enzyme is referred to by many as the ACE2 receptor. You have to understand that ACE2 is not a receptor, it is an enzyme. The main function of ACE2 is to convert a pro-inflammatory substance called angiotensin II in…

DeFlame your Golf Swing - be more accurate with less pain

In this video I am going to show you a simple fix for your golf swing to improve your ball striking accuracy. It is something that major tournament winners agree with, even thought they don't know it...it is one of those obvious things tha…

How Women Pursue And Achieve Breast Cancer With Their Diets Without Knowing It

The title of this article is provocative on purpose…it should catch your attention and you should wonder if this is true. In fact, it is true, but most women do not understand that with each bite of inflammatory food that is eaten, they st…

DeFlame your Golf Swing - be more accurate with less pain

In this video I am going to show you a simple fix for your golf swing to improve your ball striking accuracy. It is something that major tournament winners agree with, even thought they don't know it...it is one of those obvious things tha…

Vitamin D and COVID-19 Misinformation | DeFlaming supplements

Only 400 IUs of supplemental vitamin D was used, which is a non-physiologic dose. In other words, taking 400 IU is essentially taking NOTHING. So we should not be surprised that it has NO beneficial effect. www.DeFlame.com Dr. Seaman's aut…

Vitamin D And COVID-19 Misinformation | Clinical Health Promotion

At the end of June 2020, various news outlets reported that taking vitamin D has no benefit for COVID-19. To see this for yourself, do an internet search with the following phrase: no evidence to support vitamin D for COVID-19. You will se…

Breast Health Book | pro-inflammatory dietary factors to avoid breast cancer

Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in women. It is estimated that 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime. Unfortunately, most women actually pursue breast cancer expression without knowing it. The DeFl…

DeFlame Diet Guidelines | healthcare supplements ormond beach florida

The information in the Weight Loss Secrets book was not included in The DeFlame Diet for a very specific reason…food eating is an emotional event, and this is both for normal weight and overweight people. For this reason, I think it is foo…

You Can Cure Eczema With Diet | nutritional supplements florida

Eczema is a very common condition in America; 7.2 % of adults have eczema, while 13% of children under the age of 18 suffer with this condition. In other words, multiple millions of adults and children suffer needlessly from eczema. People…

How The Coronavirus Infects Human Cells | DeFlame Enterprise | DeFlaming Supplements

The novel coronavirus that emerged in late 2019 called SARS-CoV-2 enters cells by binding to an enzyme called angiotensin converting enzyme-2 (ACE2). I have noticed that this enzyme is referred to by many as the ACE2 receptor. You should u…

The DeFlame Diet to Stop your Joints, Muscles, and Bones from Rotting | DeFlaming Supplements

Chronic inflammation is a popular topic today, but do people really understand what it is? The answer is... NO.Chronic inflammation is a low-grade, non-healing state that over time leads to tissue and organ degeneration. In common language…

Breast Health Book | Breast Health promotion consultants Florida

Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in women. It is estimated that 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime. Unfortunately, most women actually pursue breast cancer expression without knowing it. The DeFl…

Osatate - Calcium Complex | anti inflammatory nutritional supplements

Osatate is a microcrystaline hydroxyapatite calcium (MCH-Cal) supplement. Two to three tablets are typically taken per day. One tablet contains 225 mg of calcium. There are 100 tablets per bottle, which allows for a 1-2 month supply Microc…

Weight loss motivation - climate change, viral infections, chronic pains and diseases

Weight loss motivation - climate change, viral infections, chronic pains and diseases We all need motivation to maintain proper body weight. This video outlines diverse motivations for consideration. Weight Loss Motivation Climate change C…

Deflame your Business | DeFlame Enterprise

Health care expenses are extremely costly for small businesses and large corporations. And unfortunately, the average American worker is getting sicker (more inflamed) rather than healthy or properly “DeFlamed.” DeFlame.com can help your b…

Nutritional Supplements - Probiotic Complete | DeFlaming Supplements

Probiotic Complete contain four strains of probiotic bacteria, including Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium, as well as Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus, which are the beneficial strains o…