DeFlame Diet Guidelines | healthcare supplements ormond beach florida



The information in the Weight Loss Secrets book was not included in The DeFlame Diet for a very specific reason…food eating is an emotional event, and this is both for normal weight and overweight people. For this reason, I think it is foolish to tag a specific eating style as being required for weight management. In other words, you could be a carnivore, omnivore, lacto-ovo vegetarian or a vegan to achieve normal weight and an anti-inflammatory state. My preference is to be an omnivore and I am not opposed to other options, AND the reason for this has to do with understanding the key guideline that forms the found of The DeFlame Diet.

The key guideline of The DeFlame Diet is to reduce or eliminate nutrient-free calories made from refined sugar, flour and oils, and replace them with whole foods from plant and animal origin. The way you determine the best diet for you is based on how you feel and by normalizing easy-to-measure markers of inflammation. These markers are listed in Chapter 9, which is entitled “Self-assessment – am I inflamed?

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