The ALL Meat Diet | Advanced Health Consultants



In a certain sector of society that is interested in diet, the “all meat” or “carnivore” diet has emerged as a fad diet that is both embraced and criticized. Not surprisingly, those that embrace and criticize the all meat diet, are missing a couple of key points that need to be understood.

Point 1 – For modern day people, it is difficult to conceptualize how difficult it was to acquire food in pre-modern times. For my entire life, handfuls of food have been readily available. The same holds true for my parents who grew up in the 1930s.

Before modern times, humans had to “exercise” for their food – foraging for vegetation or hunting animals of the land, water and air. If you were from the Arctic Circle, your food options would be entirely different compared to those living in Arizona, which would be different than those living in Florida, which would be different than those living in Peru, which would be different than those living in the Amazon, etc., etc., etc.


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